How Long Does it Take to Get to Hawaii?

Friday, June 21, 2013, 1pm, my time in Knoxville and traveling throughout the South had come to an end.  These past 2 months have flown by (not that I’m complaining!).  It’s time for my parents to drive me to Nashville (approximately a 2 ½ hour drive) to catch a plane up to Providence.  You may be wondering, why did they have to take me to Nashville?

For an OCONUS move, the military will book and pay for the Active duty member’s and the dependants’ plane flights.  My husband had given the military our itinerary back in the beginning of April.  It stated that he was to be flown from Providence to Bahrain on May 11th to meet his ship, and I was to fly from Knoxville (or a surrounding airport) on June 22nd to Hawaii.  You wouldn’t think it would be that hard… Think again! The first tickets they booked for us were both out of Atlanta on May 10th.  This was wrong in every possible way.  The next ticket for Nathan was correct; mine was correct for the right date.. But this time, they had me going out of Providence.  I thought, maybe I can understand this since this was technically our de-attaching duty station, but didn’t they just previously book us both out of Atlanta??  My husband and I decided that I should wait till closer to the leave date to contact the Military Travel people (SATO) and try to get my flight changed to Knoxville.  I was fully prepared that there might be a small fee.. $100? $150?  That’s fine.   About 3 weeks prior to my departure, I called SATO.  I explained the situation and asked if I could fly out of Knoxville… ok, “that will be about $550.”  Um, Nashville? “About $500.”   Um, Atlanta? “ About $450.”  Alright then, Let me just see what it would cost for me to book my own one-way flight up to Providence.  I found a ticket leaving on June 21st for approximately $150.  My flight wasn’t until 710 pm, which would enable my parents to at least work half a day.  I decided to book it.  However, this also meant that I would have to spend the night in Providence.  My husband and I are Priority Members of the Holiday Inn Express.  I would recommend joining to everyone.  It’s free, you always get a snack and water upon checking in, there are apps for the phone, free breakfast, the staff is always professional, and the hotels are pretty nice.  We stay at a Holiday Inn Express any time we are traveling on the road.  Anyhow, there is a Holiday Express right next to the Providence airport where we had stayed the 2 nights prior to my hubby deploying.  After paying for a plane ticket and a night in a hotel, it was still going to be cheaper than if I had the military change my flights.

Day One: Back to my journey, we made it to the Nashville airport in plenty of time.  Now throughout this entire move, I’ve tried to be as organized as possible.  I made a binder containing every important or personal document that I could ever need! I would advise doing this for ANY move, regardless if it’s military! Therefore, I had multiple copies of our orders, all travel documents, power of attorney papers, and the paperwork goes on.  Active duty members typically get free luggage, up to 2 bags when on personal leave (along with their dependants).  When on Official Orders, the Active duty member and each dependant typically gets 4 bags up to 100 lbs each!  Now normally I do not travel with more than one checked bag, however, not only did I have 3 suitcases of my own, I was also responsible for one suitcase of my husband’s belongings for when his ship returned.  I arrived at the Nashville airport with 4 suitcases and one small Vera over-night bag.  I knew I was taking a risk with my husband not being with me for these flights, but I was really hoping that with all the proper documentation, I would not have to pay for all that luggage.  Too high hopes: The lady that worked for US AIRWAYS (my absolute least favorite airline) did not posses much  Southern Hospitality.  She looked over my paperwork, but refused to let me check my bags for free.  I should have asked to speak to a Supervisor, however, I was just too upset at that point.  I was charged $185 for all the luggage.

Kristen Stewart and her wood

Kristen Stewart and her wood

My parents went with me into the airport and stayed with me until it was about time to go through security.  I calmed down, we said our good-byes, and I was off again.  The Nashville airport was not crowded.  There were only a handful of people going through security.  I was at the point where I was putting all my stuff on the belt to go through the X-ray machine when I noticed this girl and 3 other companions trying to go under all the ropes so they wouldn’t have to walk as far.  I pretty much immediately recognized who this person was… it was Twilight’s Kristen Stewart.. She got in the lane next to me.  I quietly snapped a picture with my phone =).  If you notice in her left hand.. She was trying to take a log? Piece of firewood? On the plane?  I knew it was her, but I just wanted to make sure! So, I stepped over a bit and asked, “Excuse me, are you Kristen Stewart?”  Her response, “ Almost, well yeah, I am.” “Ok, I thought so! Thanks.” That was it; I continued on my way.

My flights up to Providence were smooth.  I had to run almost the entire length of the Charlotte airport to catch my connection, but I made it.   We finally landed around 1155 PM.  Luckily, the airport had luggage carts that were easily accessible for me to get all my luggage outside.  I called the hotel and the shuttle came right away.  Everyone working for the Holiday Inn Express were very nice.  I was in bed by about 115am.

Day Two: I woke up early with anticipation of the long-day ahead.  Today’s Air-time was going to be about 12 hours and 45 mins (not including lay-overs).  I was to arrive in Hawaii around 830 pm (230 am Eastern Time).  I made it to the Providence airport in plenty of time.  The lady that worked for Delta was an Angel compared to the lady in Nashville! No charge for any of my baggage! Wahoo! This was going to be a good day.  The first leg of my trip from Providence to Detroit went smooth; I had a seat all to myself!  We landed in Detroit and I had about 45 minutes to walk to my next terminal and get boarded.  Literally, about 5 minutes after everyone had boarded and the doors had closed, a storm came up quickly upon us.  We were officially grounded.  Now this storm was no joke. The wind, rain, and lightening were vicious.  This big plane was actually shaking due to the wind.  I was glad we hadn’t begun to push-out to the runway.  On the positive side, I was sitting next to two very nice ladies (one a delta flight attendant on personal travel).  We were in a row with no seats in front of us.. Meaning complete leg room for the 4 ½ hour flight to LA.  Anyhow, about 2 hours later, we were finally able to take-off.   The flight went great.  I pretty much already knew I was going to miss my connection to Hawaii.  There really wasn’t anything I could do about it; I wasn’t too upset.  Flights that have Wifi offer free connection to the Delta website.  Therefore, I was able to actually check my flight status from the plane.  Delta had already re-booked me to the next morning at 840 am.. And BUMPED me to First Class! Again, I was pretty excited about this! I might be getting to Hawaii a day later, but I was going to be flying there in Style!

We arrived in LAX about 715 PM (1015 PM Eastern time).  There was a decent amount of passengers on my flight who were also supposed to be on the connection to Hawaii; I’d say at least 20 people.  We all got in line at a service desk.  I had my fingers crossed that I could get Delta to pay for my hotel.. But honestly, I knew the chances of that were slim.  Most airlines will not pay for a hotel if the delay is due to weather, only if it was due to mechanical error or airlines difficulties.  I asked… all they gave me were “distressed traveler” vouchers for cheaper rates at local area hotels.  I called them all… No Vacancy.  I’ve never stayed in LA before, and the area around the airport isn‘t so nice (or safe).  This is the point where I finally began to breakdown.  I was tired, had a headache, and hadn’t had an actual “meal” since breakfast.  I couldn’t stay in the airport all night…Not with all my carry-on stuff and important documents.  I opened my Holiday Inn Express App; almost all the hotels were listed as booked! AH! I called the reservations line and asked for help.  There was one room open at the Candlewood’s Suites (an affiliate hotel) for $329 plus tax; my heart just sunk.  What was I supposed to do?  The nearest vacancy was at a Holiday Inn Express that was about 8 miles from the airport and did not provide a free shuttle for $219.  I was told it would have cost me approximately $100 in cab fare from/to the airport.  I decided that with the pain of it being further away and the cost and safely of having to take a cab, I might as well stay at the other hotel.. It would have cost about the same price.  I booked the hotel, called them for the shuttle, and waited on the curb for it to arrive.  About an hour and half later, I was finally in my room! Whew!

Lesson of the day: Some things are out of my control; take it for what it is and keep going!

Travels to be continued…

The best thing you could do for yourself when moving..

The best thing you could do for yourself when moving..

One thought on “How Long Does it Take to Get to Hawaii?

  1. Goodness gracious! What a trip! So glad you’ve finally made it! Praying for you as you handle all of this change like a champ!

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